Hang Seng Bank  
Frequently Asked Questions
MPF Services - Gateway Submission
Q: What is gateway submission?
Q: Will there be any checking before the file is submitted?
Q: How do I know my submission of remittance statement file by Gateway is successful?

Q: What is gateway submission?
A: It is a transmission channel for submission of electronic Remittance Statement File in an agreed format.
Q: Will there be any checking before the file is submitted?
A: Before the file is submitted, the file will be checked to ensure that it is within 2 Mega bytes file size and all in text to avoid the receipt of any virus. It would also be checked to ensure the file submission Header is in our agreed format.
Q: How do I know my submission of remittance statement file by Gateway is successful?
A: After you have confirmed the submission, an acknowledgement message indicating your remitted file has been successfully submitted will be displayed.