Hang Seng Bank  
Frequently Asked Questions
Cash Management - Inward Payment Tracker
Q: What is Inward Payment Tracker?
Q: What types of payment are included in "Inward Payment Tracker"?
Q: How far back can historical transactions be viewed?
Q: Definition of all possible transaction status for inward Remittance and Local Interbank Transfer (CHATS)
Q: Why is the inward payment rejected by Hang Seng Bank?
Q: Can a Secondary User view the transaction status in Inward Payment Tracker?

Q: What is Inward Payment Tracker?
A: The 'Inward Payment Tracker' displays the status of certain inward payments that you have/will have received. It provides you an increased speed, transparency and traceability of real-time domestic / cross-border inward payments tracking solution.
Q: What types of payment are included in "Inward Payment Tracker"?
A: Inward Local Interbank Transfer (CHATS) and Inward Remittance are included in Inward Payment Tracker. For Faster Payment System (FPS) payments and payments from Hang Seng Bank account, please refer to Account/Loan Overview for transaction history.
Q: How far back can historical transactions be viewed?
A: Up to 60 calendar days.
Q: Definition of all possible transaction status for inward Remittance and Local Interbank Transfer (CHATS)
Received by Payer Bank Payer bank is processing this payment.
Received by intermediary bank An intermediary bank is processing the payment.
Processed by intermediary bank An intermediary bank has successfully processed the payment.
Returned by intermediary bank Intermediary bank has rejected the payment and returned funds to payer due to various reasons, including but not limited to incorrect information provided.
Received by Hang Seng Bank Hang Seng Bank is checking the documents attached to the payment / reviewing / processing the payment.
Returned by Hang Seng Bank Inward payment instruction cannot be processed by Hang Seng Bank due to various reasons, including but not limited to information is found mismatch.
Deposited The inward payment has been successfully processed and the funds have been credited to the account.
Q: Why is the inward payment rejected by Hang Seng Bank?
A: To find out why your inward payment is rejected, you may click on the (?) near the status for a detailed view of your transaction advice.
Q: Can a Secondary User view the transaction status in Inward Payment Tracker?
A: Yes. Inward Payment Tracker function is available to both Primary User and Secondary User.